RANK3 company specializes on interior decoration and finishing works. According to our clients‘ specific requirements we can offer the labour as well as a full scope of work services including supply of high quality materials. In case of marine projects the materials are IMO/MED certified. Upon seperate requests we would offer to take over of some types of exterior works.
RANK3 team of workers are ready to join the project at any stage, additionally we can provide on-site supervisers and project coordinators. We are able to work individually or to join your exsisting team. More information is submitted when knowing the job location, work scope, contract period and other.
RANK3 professional skills and competence allow us to work with projects all across Europe. As a relatively small company we are more flexible to start in a very short period of time and we are not limited by project location.
For MARINE (offshore) and INLAND (onshore) new-built and renovation projects we offer:
- subfloors preparations: concrete and levelling layers installation
- all types of tiling works: from mosaics to standart and very big size tiles
- all types of wall & floor coverings in wet areas (showers, saunas, wet-units)
- tiles, carpets, vinyls, seamless epoxy & polyurethane coating installation
- floor anti-slip coverings in technical areas (r12, r14 class floor tiles; anti-slip resin coatings)
- wall & ceiling framing, panels installation
- wall & ceiling surface preparations
- wall & ceiling paint, wallpaper covering
- sea-liners and river cruise-ships open areas (sun-decks) covering with artificial grass turf
Cooperating with:
- MARINE (offshore) – sea going cruise-liners and river cruise-ships, PAX and RO-RO ferries, offshore structures.
- INLAND (onshore) business/commercial/public – factories, commercial buildings, hotels, shops, restaurants, resorts and spa, schools and kindergartens, hospitals, apartment houses.
- INLAND (onshore) private clients – private and semi-detached houses, apartments, saunas and swimming pools, garages.
RANK3 knowing today‘s market with a high demand for quality materials, labour productivity, precise timing and guarantees – starting with material supply and finishing with final installation works – we will find the right solution for you at the most reasonable costs!
Contact us
+370 687 21218
- Liepu g. 24-12 Klaipeda, Lithuania